Hello everyone, how market today???.Hope we are having a great time out there. My people, it just few days to 2016 oo, before you know it, it already January 1st 2016. Time waits for no man. I think when the new year is around the corner, each and everyone try to ponder on how the present year had been for them, their achievements, what they have been up to and other things. That is just how life is.
          It almost a new year, do you have your new year resolutions set?, are you just planning to have one, or maybe it never crossed your mind. Well, I think for each and everyone who knows he/she is living a life of purpose, should have somethings they are aiming for, and what they want. It never too late to have your own year resolution. It just all about you, what you want for yourself, setting yours goals straight, those things you don't want, because "the sooner you have your new year resolutions, the sooner you can break them". 




Hello my people, how market. So for today's post i will be sharing with you about one of of those changes happening to me. So now am using four eyes, as people say. Lol. To make it simple, now am using glasses as in medicated one. I have been deliberating on it whether to take it or not for a very long time, but then my eye power was increasing and i started having headaches and more difficulty in seeing things far away from me, (Myopia or short-sighted).

I went to visit the doctor, so he suggested i have to go on glasses. I went to the optics shop and they check and then customize the one suitable for my eyes so here i am with my recommended glasses.

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